Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas countdown...

Well it's almost Christmas and I'm starting to get a little bummed out because we are not going to Winnipeg this year for the holidays.  Sadly that's the reality of living in different cities as your family. Dan says we should drive but I get a little stressed just thinking about it! Two kids in a car for 15+ hours in winter?? Doesn't sound like the best idea. Flying around the holidays also sounds scary and expensive!

I am sitting at the Grey Nuns hospital craft show right now selling some paintings and the past few weekends I've also done some other shows.  It's been pretty successful which has been great! I also had a mom ask me if I could teach her daughter and friends to paint which sounds like a lot of fun. The more shows I do the more comfortable I am with sharing my work. I've also started using a bit of mixed media which has added a bit more variety and depth to each painting. More than anything, I'm just having fun doing it. Plus Dan is ridiculously supportive and willing to take care of both boys when I'm doing these shows. I'll be sure to post some pics of some latest paintings when I get the chance.

The boys continue to grow like weeds and I'm enjoying being a mom more and more everyday. Having Dan on parental leave has just been amazing. We make a good team and its nice to have such capable husband who can take care of both kids really well.

Lucas is a little rascal sometimes but he's still a pretty good kid and helpful with Nathan. He's also talking a ton which is cute but sometimes drives me a little crazy,not gonna lie! Like when we are in the car..."momma what's this song?" Or "momma look at the plane, the plane momma the plane!" Super cute but pretty distracting sometimes!

Nathan has been sleeping really well so we feel very lucky! He's still has the odd bad night but overall he is sleeping through the night. He's already getting such a personality and is so cute that even if I have to feed him at 5am it's a pleasure to see him. He's a pretty happy baby and is not really fussy. Yes, I'm very lucky!!

November flew by because I spent the majority of my days painting and just having fun with the kids. And with Dan on parental leave let's face it, everyday is Saturday :)

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