Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mama's Day

So it's been a while, I know. Since it's Mother's Day, I thought it would be a good idea to make a list of things I've learned along the way on this crazy, busy life as a mom. Here we go...

1. Make time for yourself. Don't feel bad about sitting around for an hour and vegging out. Parents deserve a break too! An exhausted, over worked and grumpy mom will usually result in a grumpy kids! I know that Lucas can sense my frustration sometimes and just feeds off it. Then he gets frustrated, angry and at that point there is no reasoning with him.

2. People need to mind their own g**damn business. When people ask me how old Lucas is and comment on how small he is, it makes me really angry. He's Filipino and Italian for gods sake, we are small people! I worry about him being the small kid in his class and I don't need strangers commenting on stuff like that. He's the perfect little package in my opinion :)

3. Don't be too controlling and overbearing when dad is trying to help. I mean, so what if it's super windy, kind of raining, and cold outside and dad takes the kids to the zoo without a hat or any warm clothes? Or if dad teaches some not so nice words in Italian to your now 3 year old? Point is, I'm lucky to have a husband who is totally involved in every way and I've learned to (try to) bite my tongue amd let Dantakeover (sometimes). If the kids are safe and healthy, sometimes it's okay to let go and let dad be in charge.

4. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to be the same size you were before you had kids. I'm nowhere near where I want to physically. But I could never look at my kids and blame them for the weight I've gained. It's not my fault steak is so delicious. All I can do is work at it and someday I'll be happy with all that physical stuff. Stay positive, right? Brings me to my next point....

5. While it might be hard to do sometimes, I've learned to try and be positive about myself. How can you ever expect your kids to be happy with themselves if you give off a negative attitude about yourself? It's upsetting to think about Nathan or Lucas ever thinking they aren't good enough. So, take those compliments even if you really don't agree! I know, this is all very Oprah-ish, but give it a chance!

6. Sometimes you have to rely on The Backyardigans to be your saviour for half an hour (okay, sometimes an hour- somebody's got to clean the bathroom!). I'm totally against using the t.v. to babysit your kids, but sometimes you need to shower. Or brush your teeth. Throw laundry on. You know, everyday necessities like that.

7. Don't compare your kids' development to others. It will make you feel like a bad parent. Lucas is a pretty smart kid- he knows his ABC's by sight, he can count to 20 and knows almost all shapes including diamond, and semi-circle (I'm allowed to brag a tiny bit, aren't I?), but you don't see me asking you if your kid can do the same thing. I'm impressed with his eagerness to learn things everyday, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Nathan will be the same way!

8. You WILL NOT have time to do everything you want to do. Just face it. I started this post on MOTHER'S DAY and now it's June 7th! Dan was on parental leave for months and at the beginning, I had a list of stuff I wanted to do before he went back. He went back TODAY (I can't believe it!) and that list is not even half done. Who cares. We had an awesome parental leave together. All that extra stuff can wait. Also, today is NOT Mother's Day, like I said at the beginning of this post- that was over a week ago, but there's just not enough time to finish what I start half the time!

9. Be adament about getting your kids to try EVERYTHING. Dan and I always said we WILL NOT raise a picky eater!! Our rule is to try everything at least once and with Lucas, it has worked so far and he pretty much will eat anything, or at least try it.

10. Make time for not only your kids, but your partner too. You will regret it 20 years later when your kids are out of the house and you haven't enjoyed each other. I truly believe a good family starts with a healthy relationship between parents. Don't forget that you made these amazing kids with this person and there needs to be communication if you want to have a healthy relationship. I know, very Oprah again, but it's true! I would say Dan and I make a great team and I'm so grateful for that.

Anyway, there are so many things I've learned along the way and now that Dan is back at work, I'm sure I will learn so much more! I have been so spoiled having the extra help at home and I know so many moms are jealous, but I'm very thankful and understand that we are very lucky! **I'm now continuing on with this post for the millionth time and Dan has actually been back to work for almost 3 weeks now...see- I barely can finish what I start!**

So, what else is new with the Spandoza's?? Well...

Lucas turned 3 on May 17... I can't believe it!! He has just become this little character- a hilarious human being and really, what can I expect having kids with Dan Spanu? That guy is hilarious! Sometimes goes too far, but pretty funny nontheless.

Nathan is almost 10 months now and gets cuter and more animated everyday. He adores Lucas and pretty much laughs at anything he does. He's got two teeth coming in, is crawling like crazy and eats adult size portions, so he is growing like a weed! It's funny going through all this stuff the second time around- the initial eating of solids, the first teeth, crawling... you forget how big of a deal all of it is! While juggling a toddler, I have to remember to celebrate these milestones too!

I'm not going to bore you by telling you what the kids at for breakfast, lunch and dinner or about latest trip to the grocery store. What I will say is that we are all doing very well. We are happy, healthy and enjoying life! After being spoiled and having an extra hand for 9 months, here we are- the three of us and boy, it's a challenge, but I'm honestly having the time of my life :)