Monday, September 27, 2010

This is Going to be a LONG WEEK

So, late yesterday afternoon Dan headed to Medicine Hat for work and from here, will have to go to Lethbridge then Calgary. Holy Moly! Needless to say, we already miss him and while we knew this would happen, it's tough having to go all the way downtown to drop Lucas off at daycare and head to whatever sub job I have for the day. I didn't get any calls today, but tomorrow I will be at a school that is 5 min away from our house and then on Wednesday I'm heading over to the west end. Lots and lots of driving, but like I said, we knew what we were getting into by putting Lucas into this daycare.

Last week I worked at a couple schools and was just reminded again of how annoying subbing is sometimes for this reason: the staff treats substitute teachers like garbage. Actually. Nobody ever says a word to me or acknowledges my presence in the staff room. I just don't understand- don't they remember what it was like to be in this position? To not feel like you're a part of any school and that you are constantly in transition? And don't even get me started on the awkward lunch room. Yup, i just feel like I'm a loser in grade school, not being accepted by the cool kids. It's lame! How can teachers preach acceptance and inclusion when they themselves act the exact opposite when it comes to new teachers coming into their space? It's just rude. Just another reminder of how I need to find a consistent job. I know, I know, people sub for years and years, but I just don't want to feel like this every time I enter a new school. I just don't know if it's worth it.

Anyway, back to more positive talk... today I ran a few errands and picked Lucas up at daycare early so we could spend some time together outside. Before we left we hung out with his friends on the daycare playground. It was just great to see him interacting with the other kids. It was also +25!!!! So we went for a walk around the neighborhood, then had supper together which consisted of garden burgers and yam fries while we talked to Dad on speaker phone :)

Today was a great day, but we miss dad terribly :(

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dream Dream Dreeeeam Dreeeeeeam

Today I had my first sub job of the year at the school I had my last practicum at. I have been subbing there a ton since I graduated and I'm not going to lie, it's kind of my dream job. But... I can only dream. I had a great day though- I subbed in a grade 1/2 class and I've seen these kids grow up during these last couple years, so it was pretty neat to see how they have changed over the summer. They're taller, smarter, and for some, mouthier :) I had a great day!

Lately I have been feeling like I need a career change. I think it's because I'm feeling discouraged and frustrated with the lack of jobs for teachers. But today when I saw those kids and was able to teach, I came back to reality. I realized all over again, that this is what I want and if I can't get my own class now, I hopefully will in the near future. Stay positive, right?

I had a great conversation with an old friend the other day who is optimistic, enlightening and knows me quite well. She knows that while I want to teach, that I also love painting, writing, music, cooking and being with kids- and not necessarily in the classroom. So she gave me a few ideas about what else I could do with my degree. So, this is my latest "thing".... I think it would be great to create a workshop for kids to learn how to cook, paint and write. Maybe as an afterschool program or weekend day camp type deal. All three things could be a bit overwhelming, but the ideas could also be alternated as well. Just a thought. At this point, I just want to do something with kids- I want to do hands-on activities and get kids passionate about learning- on every level. This is a dream. A big dream.

Other than that, not much else is too new. Life is good. Lucas is doing great at daycare! Dan says he just watches him leave and just continues on with his breakfast. He truly is, a Spanu!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Friday Friday!!!

Today Dan had a flex day (he works extra hours during the week then gets a Friday off every month!) and we decided to have a day date since we don't really get to go out much together anymore! We dropped off Lucas at daycare, where delicious pineapple bread was waiting for him for breakfast and he watched us leave- without a struggle or any tears! Usually Dan says he clings for dear life when Dan tries to leave, but I guess Lucas is just getting used to it and is really liking daycare.

Then Dan and I were off- to do absolutely anything we wanted! So what did we do? Headed to West Ed of course. We had breakfast, did a bit of shopping, watched a movie and then we headed back to pick Lucas up. Although it was great to be with Dan on our "date" we kept talking about Lucas and said how much we missed him! There was just something missing...

When we got to the daycare Lucas threw his arms up and started to smile and laugh. What a welcoming! We stayed for a little while and saw how the room was rearranged and what Lucas was interested in. Debbie, one of the women in the room showed us a a list of goals they have for each age group. Lucas seems to be doing great! He is achieving a lot of things and is attempting things that a lot of older kids do.

I'm finally off to my first sub job of the year, on Monday. It is for the school I did my last practicum at and it is where I have done a ton of subbing. I know all the kids, they know what to expect from me and it will be neat to see how much they have changed over the summer. I can't wait!

Other than that, Dan and I are going out with our friends Dave and Tamiko for a little parent time. We're really excited because they are so great and they have become great friends of ours. Usually we bring our boys along, but have been able to get out with just the four of us on a few occasions.

It's getting colder outside, but we're still trying to get out as much as we can. Time to get out the mitts, toques and big fluffy jackets!

I'm pretty tired... it's 10:40pm on a Friday night!! Oh my, life has changed!!! I had a great day with Dan and now it's time to turn in...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I know it seems it's been ages since we have last written, but it's been a busy summer! We have had a ton of guests visit us and it was great, but now it's time to settle down, relax and face the year ahead! Here is a little summary of the life of the Spandoza's as of late...

~ Lucas has started daycare in Dan's building and is just loving it! I never (EVER) wanted my kids to go to daycare because I always thought I wanted to stay home until they were a bit older and then start teaching again from there. Also because I have worked in several daycares and in the back of my mind I was never quite satisfied with how each daycare was run. Lucas' daycare in Canada Place is awesome and really focuses on learning through play. The workers are great and really dedicated at what they do.

~ Where does this leave me? Nope, I'm no longer planning my days around Lucas' naps or pushing Lucas around in a shopping cart while he screams and reaches for the lemons (???), but I am "supply teaching." I am only putting this in quotation marks because since it is the beginning of the school year, work has been slow. And by slow I mean, I have not been called in for one job. I am patiently (not to mention eagerly, anxiously, angrily...)waiting for that call to send me to God knows where for my next job. In the meantime, I am looking for other work. At this point, I don't care what it is, as long as it has to do with kids, I'm up for the challenge! Today I applied for a job at a centre that works with pregnant and parenting teens. Yikes, sounds intense, but I think it would be really great!

~ I'm missing Lucas like crazy at home. There are no more diapers to be changed during the day or the sound of Lucas talking in his sleep. I miss all of the little things... even the tantrums in the car or shopping mall. Honestly! I miss my little peanut, but I know daycare is going to be good for him. We really wanted him to get used to being around other people and interacting with other kids.

~ As usual, Dan just been working at the same place and is content and happy doing so. The people he works with are really great and a huge plus is that he gets to visit (aka creep on him through the mirrored window) Lucas anytime he wants! I'm VERY jealous, but I'm glad that dad's nearby. Other than that, life is good. We are enjoying Edmonton and are actually looking forward to winter. Whoa whoa whoa, maybe I should restate that- I guess we're anticipating winter and trying to focus on all the good things... being cozy in the evenings, looking at Lucas in a cute snowsuit that he'll be screaming to get out of, taking Lucas out for a sleigh ride, making snowmen with Lucas.... That's one of the best things about Lucas- his existence has made me more positive :)