Monday, November 22, 2010


I know I haven't written in a long time, but it has been crazy busy around here!!!! I have been working like crazy- basically everyday at the same school for different teachers and it's been great! I feel so at home there. This past week was the worst though...

Dan was in Ottawa for work/play from last Monday up until yesterday. Needless to say it was stressful for me. Not only because I felt like a single parent, but I also had to sub for one teacher, from Mon-Fri who teaches in two different classes. Kindergarden and a grade 1/2 split class. WHOA WHOA it was a lot of work. Great experience (and moolah!) for me, but it was super stressful having to get up at 6am, get showered and ready, warm up the car, go up and get Lucas, dress him, brush his teeth and wipe his face, then be out the door by 6:50am. I'm out of breath just thinking about it. Anyway, it would take 30min to get downtown to drop Lucas off at daycare, then make it all the way back to the school (5 min from house!) in another 30min. An hour of travelling in the morning- another hour in the afternoon, everyday. By the time I put Lucas to bed I was wiped. So tired that I could barely function. My desk was a mess at school, I was becoming forgetful and really worrying about my future as a teacher. It wasn't the work that was just stressful, but having that combined with having to take care of Lucas ALL BY MYSELF. It was too much.

By the time Dan walked in on Sunday just past noon, I was completely burned out. I broke down in tears. I realized that I could never do it as a single mom. I don't know how they do it. It is the hardest job in the world.

So it's another week and I am again, working at the same school for a few different teachers. I'm excited because it's always nice to know all of the kids! I'm off to a "knockout class" with my friend Kristen so I can blow off some steam!

Stay warm- wherever you are!

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