Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It's December and you know what that means... busy, busy, busy! We have been having fun getting ready for Christmas and preparing for our first Christmas together at home as a family. I am sad that we won't be going back to Winnipeg this year, but I guess that's just the reality of living so far from one another.

In other news, Dan's parents are moving here from Italy! His dad is already here, but is working a few hours out of Edmonton. Dan's mom will be arriving in January. Everything seemed to have happened so fast, but we are happy and excited to have them near us. It will be nice for Lucas to have some grandparents close by who he can finally get to know!

On December 18th, we are having a Christmas party with our friends, but not just any Christmas party. It's going to be a Mexican themed party. We figured since everyone is going to have the typical turkey dinner back at home with their families, we would do something totally different. The girls and I have been constructing a pinata for the party which looks hilarious! Anyway, it should be an interesting Christmas for sure!

Other than that, things are busy as usual with work and getting ready for Christmas. We can't wait to wake up with Lucas on Christmas morning!!!

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