Thursday, October 27, 2011


This month has been crazy busy but wonderful! Nathan has been growing like a weed and is now at 11lbs 5 oz!! I can't believe he was only 6lbs 5oz when he was born. He is smiling a ton and is becoming more and more aware of what is around him.

Lucas continues to be a little character. It's amazing how much he is talking. I guess he overheard Dan and I saying that something was 9 bucks so now whenever we come back from the store he says "only 9 bucks mommy!" He has also been adding "like" into his conversations.... uh oh, I better work on this with him! Anyway he is hilarious, just like his dad. What is even more hilarious is watching them during swimming lessons- whore everyone is following the instructor and moving their kids gently on their backs, Dan has a kids lifesaver around his neck while throwing Lucas in the air as he laughs uncontrollably.

A really sad incident happened two days ago. The neighbor directly across the street from us had their house burn down. We literally watched it burn to the ground. It was terrifying. As the fire got bigger and bigger we started to really get nervous, grabbed both kids and headed out the door. I just can't imagine what the family is going through right now. I'm not a religious person and I'm not even sure if I believe in god but I have been feeling the urge to pray for this poor family. I think I might. They have a year old baby and a seven year old boy. We dropped off a couple bags of clothes for the baby. I just can't wrap my head around it all. To lose everything you own so quickly in a matter of minutes, is just unimaginable. Thank goodness the family made it out safe. Really that is all that matters. I feel so lucky right now.

Well November is around the corner and we are so excited about Halloween!!! I hope you are all well...
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