Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cabin Fever

Lately Dan and I have been having a dilemma. Lucas has consistently been waking up once during the night and we don't know why. Our perfectly sleeping baby has disappeared! He still naps well during the day, but it's been very frustrating having to get up. When we get up in the middle of the night the quick solution has always been to give him a bottle, which has always worked, but we think he's getting too old for this. Also, he's been biting his hands lately which makes us think that it's teething that is getting him up at night, but have no idea if this is it! When in doubt, blame teething. But what if it's not teething? How can a baby who used to sleep all through the night since 3 months old, start waking up now? I guess we've been spoiled! SO frustrating! We are at a loss...

Other than that, it has been raining, raining, raining everyday. Yes, all day everyday. This has cut into my regular fun plans with Lucas because we are usually able to get out and go to the park or at least go for a walk around the neighborhood. But the monsoon has taken over and has given us cabin fever. So what did we do today? Lucas helped me bake a cake! My friend Jill and I are taking a cake decorating class so tomorrow we have to bring in a cake. I will be sure to send that cake off with Dan to work so he can share it with his co-workers. This cake class could be dangerous!

Anyway, we're off to pick Dan up from the bus stop... I hope we don't get washed away!!!

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