Tuesday, June 21, 2011

28 weeks

So I'm about 28 weeks and 2 days into this pregnancy and boy does it ever feel longer than that! I am feeling more exhausted by the day but most of all I-I-I.... I just want an ice cold beer. Ah, a Sleemans Cream Ale, an ice cold Moosehead- a Corona with a lime. I can only dream. At the beginning it was easy- I didn't want it at all. But now that it's beautiful outside and patios are open everywhere- it's just torture looking at cold beer in the fridge. Anyway I'm obviously fine- these are petty cravings of course, but man you don't realize how bad you want something until it's totally out of your reach. I refuse to even have a sip. Just seems like a mean tease. Whoa what a whiner!

Anyway I promise to get some pics up soon as everyone is wondering how huge I am ha ha!

As usual things are busy in the Spandoza house but good. We have a bunch of visitors coming which is really exciting!
Dan is still busy plugging away at the basement but we are so close we can taste it! I helped with some mudding and taping tonight but got pooped pretty quick!

Lucas' last day at daycare is quickly approaching and we are all sad about it. There is such a great team of people who have taken care of him, it's going to be hard to take him out! I'm looking forward to having Lucas at home with me but am a bit nervous seeing as I can barely put my own socks on much less chase around a toddler! It will be good though, ill just have to be creative and take lots of naps of course. He is talking so much, counting snd practicing his ABC's.... this is all happening too fast! Now I know why my mom called me her baby up until the age of 25- okay, she still calls me her baby and now I understand why :)

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