Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Marriage, Blarriage

Tonight Dan and I had a great night chatting on our porch while watching crazy lightning and, not gonna lie, creeping on our neighbors across the street through their windows (well, geez, you leave your windows wide open with all of your lights on, what do you expect?!). Then it occured to me- this is what marriage is supposed to be like- sitting around with your love, talking about important and not-so-important things.

I think that in this day in age so many people are so scared to get married or to have any sort of monogamy because they think it will fail; that it will just be a waste of time- that they will just get divorced and end up hating whoever it is that they married. It just seems so simple to me... marry your best friend, someone who makes you feel good about yourself everyday, makes you feel secure and kisses you like they mean it. Sorry if this is awkward for family members, but it's true! I guess maybe I'm just lucky, but it seems like it was so easy to figure out why I wanted to married Dan.

Now, onto less sappy things, this business about Dan sharing too much information.... man, I've finally made it through the night without coughing like a friggin 80 year old smoker. Woo hoo!! Sweet relief. The past two nights I was able to sleep for more than an hour at a time! HUGE accomplishment, I'm telling you!

Today Lucas and I went to his friend Charlie's birthday party and had a great time! We went with a bunch of other babes and mom's that we met through a mom's group. I love these mom's- we all connect in so many other ways that the fact that we all have kids. They are hilarious, open-minded, gracious and so comfortable to be around. This is what is making me feel more at home in Edmonton.

This weekend I am off to go camping with my girlfriends- half of us are in Edmonton and the other half are in Calgary. We are going to meet somewhere in the middle. Where that is, I don't know because we planned this a million years ago and none of us were organized enough to get on finding a site! But it's going to be great- I'm sure we'll find somewhere to camp, even if it's in the middle of nowhere! It's going to be weird not seeing Lucas for a day and a half, but I'm glad that Dan is a good papa and I don't have to worry about him! I will miss Lucas terribly, but it's nice to know that he will be in good hands! Now, this doesn't mean I won't call multiple times a day while I'm gone, but I'm feeling good about taking this little, much needed vacation!

Off to bed soon... I'm crossing my fingers hoping we won't end up in a field, but at least it will make for a good story?


  1. Great post Mar, especially for those of us who will soon be joining that club :)

  2. YES!! I just wanted to give some hope to people who think marriage turns you into some boring sour person. I think it only does if you're with the wrong person!
