Monday, June 21, 2010

More on the Weekend

I think Lucas must have been reading this blog because after that post on Saturday about his sleep, he's had two normal nights in a row. He slept until 8:30 on Sunday which was a fantastic father's day present (wait, does that make me sound cold and unloving?). Too bad Dad was sleeping in the spare room - it's not what you think, Coughy McCoughinstein was coughing up a storm all night (poor girl!) so it's just what made sense. Wait is talking about our sleeping arrangements on the internet one of those things that falls under "embarrassing"? (Speaking of embarrassing I just had to Google how to spell that very word...) Anyway, I'll check with Marion and let you know. Maybe it'll be like that time on the Simpsons when Homer is teaching some kind of marriage course that no one is interested in until he starts telling everyone intimate details of his marriage with Marge and the class loves it, but Marge doesn't. I'm sure Marion will love that reference, being the avid Simpson's fan that she is (note to Marion- Homer is the Dad of the yellow family with four fingers per hand and Marge is the mom. Oh, and no Darth Vader is not the King of Space. Actually, he kind of is. You know what? That was a really good question.) Wait, is anyone even reading this? I find it so interesting to be typing something to "the internet" and not knowing who will be reading it. Long story short, we'll see see how much detail I can get away with in here. Back to Father's Day, following Lucas' stellar sleep performance we went for brunch (as indicated below), but just to try and beef up the blog a bit, let me describe to you everything I ate. Plate # 1 contained eggs benedict, bacon, cheese (blue cheese!), perogies, roast beef, teriyaki salmon, smoked salmon, and a croissant. Of course, this was followed by a more modest plate # 2 which contained more cheese, cold cuts, olive bread, and fruit. It was sometime around plate #2 that Lucas decided to launch a piece of watermelon about 12 feet away. Now, of course, this wasn't the first piece of food he fired off his tray, but it probably covered the most distance. Following plate two was dessert, which was ridiculously good as well. Really the long and the short of it is I really appreciate my family taking me out for brunch! It was nice to go to a sort of fancier restaurant with the family instead of just Red Robin. Prior to breakfast Marion and Lucas gave me some father's day presents including the nicest belt I've ever owned (it has bicycles on it!), the most thoughtful collection of pictures and captions I have every received, and the cutest mug you could imagine with a picture of Lucas (seen at the start here) and a caption saying "World's Greatest Dad". Very thoughtful and very much appreciated! Then after some bumming around (don't get ahead of yourselves, that just means sitting around doing nothing) I headed out to the World Extreme Cagefighting event at Rexall Place. Following the event I went to Earl's (doesn't that seem a natural choice following a cagefighting event?)for something to eat and sitting and the table next to us was none other than Kenny Florian who was in town to do the TV commentating for the event.

I hope your brain hasn't gone numb with boredom after this, Dad's first post. I'll work on my brevity next time!

1 comment:

  1. Dan, I liked your first post, I even laughed out loud. An idea for you and Mar could be that at the end of your posts, you could sign you name? Keep em coming!

