Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Preaching and Ikea

A couple days ago, Lucas woke up at 5:30am, fell back asleep until... 6:30am. Needless to say, I didn't get the best sleep that night. On top of that he didn't really nap during the day. So frustrating!!!! After unsuccesfully putting him down for a nap at 9am, we headed out to Ikea. Before driving off to Ikea, I was approached by two young mormon guys, trying to share their "word." Now, let's talk door-to-door religious preaching....

I am not a religious person. I never have been. I have absolutely nothing against religion or the people who believe in God or whomever it may be. In fact, I admire people who have such faith. Sometimes I wish that I believed in something. Don't get me wrong, I am not an atheist- I'm just not sure what I believe. I think that I have taken way too many religion classes in University that make me think way too much about whether or not God exists or is "good."

Anyway, so as I'm trying to load the stroller into my trunk and these two guys shared their bit and literally put the pamphlet in my face- I kept saying, "No thank you," but they were relentless. They kept asking me why I wasn't interested. I honestly don't think this is any of their business. If anything, it gives religion, including people who go around door-to-door to preach, a really bad name. I mean, why would someone want to hear what you have to say if you're going to be so aggressive about it? It was borderline harrassment. Actually, NO, i did feel like I was being harrassed!

I realize that religion is a very touchy subject and I do believe to each's own, but there's so much about it that I just don't get. For example, people who go on missions and do so because they feel that God pushed them to do it. Why can't you do these missions without this supposed push from God? Why can't you just go to these places, help out these people in need for the sake of being a good person? Why does it always have to be tied to God? Can't you go to Africa and build a school or houses because you want to just be a good person and help people out? I just find it irritating when people don't do things because they say God didn't tell them to. Sounds like a cop out to me.

Having said all of this, I don't know if I will ever be religious or fully believe in God. Again, I am in between- I am not all for one side. All I know is that if I want to learn about a certain religion, I want it to be by my own will. I don't appreciate someone invading my own private space and insisting that I listen to something I just don't want to be a part of. I want to go to church and learn about God when or if I am ready, not because someone convinced me to.

Sheesh, all I wanted to do was go to Ikea and get out of the house and all I got was a pamphlet shoved in my face and a blog entry ranting too much about religion. Sorry if I offended anyone.

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